After this course ends, I plan to use my domain in a lot of different ways. This class, Public Relations Design, and my previous class, Public Relations Principals, has taught me a lot about how to use a domain and what kinds of material/information I should have on my domain.
My domain will definitely be something that I will utilize when looking for jobs. My domain is a great link that I could send to future employers that is a great resource outside of my application. This can give future employers a better and more in-depth look at who I am and what I am able to do. I plan to continue to post assignments from classes to my “skills” tab where people can view my work. This will benefit me with future employers so that they can see what I am capable of.
I cannot see myself continuing the blogging reflection process for other courses or internships because sometimes I had a hard time figuring out what I want to say and how I wanted the message to come across. I feel like in certain blogs I would beat myself up and I would rather have more positive posts on my blog. I will say if I have a great experience working on something that I would like other people to know I will share that. But with that said, I will continue to blog in the future about things, but probably not reflection-type blogs.
Before I start to utilize my domain, I definitely am going to go back through and edit some things. I will delete some blogs that I don’t want to be included as well as add more resources to my domain in general. I like the way my domain is coming along so I am not going to completely restart, but I will be editing it for sure.